(下書き)国際ビジネスコース:International Buisiness

多国籍人材の需要 | Needs for International Human Resources


 As the economy has become globalized, the need for international human resources has risen in workplaces in Japan. Additionally, Japan has become a super aged society and the shortage of work force has become one of the serious issues. Especially, the small and middle sized companies have had difficulties in expanding their businesses because of the shortage of the labor recent years. So, the school has designed a new course to train and support students who plan to work in Japan. We hope that this course will help them contribute to the development of the cordial relationship between Japan and their countries, and help them work in the world.

実践的な能力の養成 | Practical business skills training

 日本企業で働くには、まず日本のビジネススタイルを学ぶ必要があります。また、実際の職場では、様々な国籍の従業員が協力して働か なければなりません。各国の異なる文化を理解し、お互いを尊重しながら協働できる人材が求められています。そのため、より高いコミュニ ケーション力や専門的な知識が必要となります。また、職場によっては英語力が必要とされる場合もあります。当校ではたくさんのビジネス 科目を学び、社会で必要とされる資格や能力を身につけ、企業や社会の発展に貢献できる人材を育成します。

Students need to learn and understand the Japanese style of working in order to work in Japan. In the actual workplace, employees of different nationalities must be able to work together, because many companies in Japan are looking for employees who understand different cultures of each other countries, and can work together while respecting one another. Therefore, these foreign students are required to have high level of communication skills and specialized knowledge. And they might be required to have communication skills in English, too. Students who enroll in this course can learn various kinds of business subjects and try to acquire the necessary qualification and skills to become a working force who can contribute to the development of the company and the society.

活躍の場 | prospective work places



 As business has become globalized, more and more Japanese companies have moved their production bases oversea, and products made outside of Japan are being sold not only in Japan but also in other parts of the world. If you want to work for a Japanese company after studying in Japan, you would have to have a good command in English as well as Japanese just like your mother language in order to contribute fully to a better relationship between Japan and other countries in the world.
 Therefore, you will need to learn about Japanese companies and the Japanese management style to start with, because you are expected to work in a Japanese kind of way while you are living in Japan. You are also expected to understand the differences in the cultures and business practices of both countries.



 Above all, Japanese Language ability is necessary for all foreign workers who work alongside with Japanese workers. Regardless of the size of the companies, they want to hire international staff. This shows that they want to hire a person with various values and not just being a foreign staff. You will need to learn expressions only used in Japanese language and working styles. Additionally, you will be able to use them just like the Japanese and work equally with the Japanese workers. Next, you will also need to develop the ability to understand the rapidly changing world business situations and respond appropriately to such changes.
 The quality of work required by these Japanese companies is very high. And to meet this, you will need to improve your language skills, communication skills, and basic knowledge of company management.